The company Petromaks Spediitori AS, a private independent company with Estonian shareholders, was founded in December 1996. The PETROMAKS group renders for clients the "door-to-door" set of services providing the shipment with simple tariffs and ensuring just in time cargo delivery. Furthermore, we take care of:
trans-shipment of non-ferrous metals and bulk cargoes;
forwarding services for cargoes in Estonia, Russia and CIS - countries, including railage payment;
loading / discharging arrangement of any cargo in Estonian ports;
control and monitoring of transit cargoes to / from the ports of Tallinn;
order of rail wagons;
consulting on trans-shipment cargo rates in Estonian ports, on railway tariffs and sea freight rates;
customs clearance of goods;
ship's agency services in Estonian ports;
ship's chartering services;
The company has business contacts and cooperation agreements with all major ports of Estonia, as well as the direct contract with the Estonian Railways securing, free carriage of cargoes and payment of railage on favorable terms in Estonia.
The main business fields of our company are: transport and forwarding services by sea, railway and road, chartering and ships' agency, warehousing. We take care of the entire transportation chain on behalf of the suppliers and receivers. Petromaks Spediitori AS considers all aspects relating to the storage and handling of the cargo: transportation by Estonian railway, placing the cargo to the customs warehouses, loading / unloading operations, nomination of independent survey / tally companies according to the order of the cargo owner, distribution of financial resources necessary for fulfillment of the above-mentioned operations.